
In around 23 metres of water lies a small coral outcrop surrounded by white sand.  Welcome to Shrimptastic! 

The first challenge of this site is the getting there!  How Will and his Mother ever found Shrimptastic is pure luck.  I remember the day they came back from yet another exploratary dive, with huge smiles on their faces.  "We've found a reef covered in shrimp".  "Alright" I said...but little did I realize just how great this site was.  A week or so later I did.  

Half the challenge is the getting there, navigating over fairly featureless sand, away from the was easy to get lost and disoriented in the early days.  You pass by the odd coral outcrop.  Interesting, but nothing too special and then you arrive.

The first thing that strikes you are the healthy corals and abundance of fish life.  At times there are so many schooling cardinal fish and glass fish that you have to push them out the way, in order to find the shrimp.  Resident Peacock Groupers have set up camp, sting rays and the ocassional turtle rest up on the sand, small Trevally swish in and out.  

On closer observation the site is riddled with cleaning shrimp and pipefish.  We've counted up to seven species of shrimp, and they have all taken up residence in a symbiotic relationship to eat bacteria off the fish that visit and in turn clean the fish.  

Our dive philosophy is to never touch, just observe.  Shrimptastic is a dive site for the more experienced diver.  Perfect neutral buoyancy important, to protect the pristine little ecosystem below.


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