South Seas Salt
“The most incredible salt I have ever tried EVER!!! Hand crafted in the glorious sunshine of Fiji.”
South Seas Salt - reviewed by Lance Meynell, Masterchef NZ 2022 contestant
Read on to find out what South Seas Salt has to do with Tokoriki Diving.
Care Fiji Commitment: Planning for reopening
With Fiji remaining Covid free and the vaccination program accelerating, we hope we are moving closer to getting back in the water. In preparation Tokoriki Diving recently completed the Care Fiji Commitment.
South Seas Salt - Fiji Artisan Salt
“They say that you can never really leave the sea” says Alex, “and we didn’t want to. So, while we may not be able to spend time under the water, we at least get to be on it. Just yesterday, when Will was doing a seawater run, he saw terns and turtles and had yellow fin tuna jumping around the boat!”
Can I dive if I’ve had Covid-19?
The number one priority for Tokoriki Diving is the health and safety of our guests. We understand now more than ever that you need to have a great deal of trust and flexibility with your choices away from home. As a result new Covid Clean processes have been put in place to ensure your scuba diving experience is following hygiene and sanitation policies as outlined by PADI, DAN and the CDC. But what about you. Are you fit to dive if you’ve had Covid 19?
From Scuba to Farming
A get together with the full dive team was enough to push away any Covid-19 blues…
Megafauna Monitoring Initiative (MMI) – February 2020
It’s been a wonderful diving month, with calm warm seas and sunny skies. Despite February being in our ‘low occupany’ season, we’ve been very busy at the dive shop and done lots of diving.
Megafauna Monitoring Initiative (MMI) – January 2020
Bula and welcome to the first MMI of 2020. To recap, the MMI aims to quantify and monitor the local population of shark, ray, turtle and commercially valuable fish species many of which are vulnerable, endangered or critically endangered.
Megafauna Monitoring Initiative (MMI) – December 2019
Bula and welcome to the MMI summary for the month of December. With the final month of the year at an end, what did Tokoriki Diving’s team see?
Megafauna Monitoring Initiative (MMI) - November 2019
Bula and welcome to the MMI summary for the month of November. With another month now at an end, what did Tokoriki Diving’s’ team see?
Coral Reef Construction - Live Structural Aggregation Experiment
Over the 20 + years we’ve been at Tokoriki Island Resort the Tokoriki Diving team has taken part in many coral regeneration projects. Spearheaded by in-house marine biologist Kris Miles, this one aims to create new reef by relocating pre existing isolated living patches of reef into a single large aggegation of coral reef.
Megafauna Monitoring Initiative (MMI) – October 2019
Bula and welcome to the MMI summary for the month of October. This month has seen the lowest number of sightings for shark species, but high numbers for turtles.
Megafauna Monitoring Initiative (MMI) – September 2019
Bula and welcome to the MMI summary for the month of September. An initiative spearheaded by Tokoriki Diving Marine Biologist Kristian Miles.
Megafauna Monitoring Initiative (MMI) - August 2019
To recap, the MMI aims to quantify and monitor the local population of shark, ray,
turtle and commercially valuable fish species many of which are vulnerable,
endangered or critically endangered.
Megafauna Monitoring Initiative
July 2019 marks the initiation of Tokoriki Diving’s Megafauna Monitoring Initiative (MMI). The primary purpose of the MMI is to quantify and monitor the local population of shark, ray, turtle and commercially valuable fish species many of which are either vulnerable, endangered or critically endangered.
Turtles, Turtles and more Turtles
No matter how many dives you’ve done, you never tire of seeing a turtle. Luckily for divers diving with Tokoriki Diving, we know just where to take you to show you these most beatuifiul creatures.
Buoyancy Control
in order to understand buoyancy you’ll need to take a trip back to Chapter 1 of the Open Water Manual. I can hear your groans, but before you switch off - getting good with buoyancy requires a little theory and lots of practise
Identifying Fish Species
One of the most popular elective dives on the PADI Advanced Open Water Diver Course is Fish ID. The dive is more than simply pointing at a fish and being told what it is…although a fair amount of that goes on!
Afraid to Scuba Dive?
Are you a glass half full or glass half empty kind of person? Does the thought of learning to dive make you feel excited or afraid? If you fall into the ‘afraid’ category, does that mean scuba diving is not for you?
99 Juvenile Giant Clams Arrive
At the end of August 2018 99 juvenile T.Gigas Giant Clams made the long journey from the other side of Fiji to Tokoriki Island Resort.
Animal Rescue
We’ve had Bobby the Booby, Gerard the Goat, Barry and Bradley the Bats…Meet Harry the Pacifc Swamp Harrier! Through loss of habitat these birds are in delcine in Fiji, which makes this story all the more special!